Competition information


Day 1

Date: 26th of October 2019  WORLD RANKING EVENT (confirmed by IOF)

Map: Bosberg (never used before), 1:10.000; 2,5m for M/W21 (1:7.500 for other categories)

Distance: Middle Distance

1st start: 13:00CET


Day 2

Date: 27th of October 2019

Map: Kale Duinen, 1:10.000; 2,5m for M/W21 and M18-45 (1:7.500 for other categories)

Distance: Classic+

1st start: 09:45CET

Ps. Please be aware that the clock will change from summertime to wintertime in the early morning of 27th of October. (1 hour backwards so 1 hour extra sleep)




M-10* W-10*
M-12 W-12
M-14 W-14
M-16 W-16
M-18 W-18
M-20 W-20
M21E W21E
M35 W35
M40 W40
M45 W45
M50 W50
M55 W55
M60 W60
M65 W65
M70 W70
M75 W75
M80+ W80+
String course for youngest children

* separate class for accompanied/shadowed M/W-10 if applicable