

Distances from the nearest big cities:
Amsterdam – 170km
Düsseldorf – 260km
Bremen – 220km
Brussels – 320km
Berlin – 590km
Paris – 620km

Day 1
Date: 28th of October 2023 WORLD RANKING EVENT (confirmed by IOF)
Map: Bosberg (2018 and 2023), 2,5m interval 1:10.000; for M/W21. (1:7.500 for other categories)
Mapper: Gediminas Trimakas (Lithuania)
Distance: Middle Distance
1st start: 13:00CET

Day 2
Date: 29th of October 2023
Map: Havelte-West (2022) 2,5m interval, 1:10.000; for M/W21 and M18-45 (1:7.500 for other categories)
Mapper: Gediminas Trimakas (Lithuania)
Distance: Classic+
1st start: 10:00CET
Ps. Please be aware that the clock will change from summertime to wintertime in the early morning of 29th of October. (1 hour backwards so 1 hour extra sleep)